
Congregational Care


In response to Christ’s call to love one another, the Congregational Care Team seeks to extend love and support to Covenant members and friends through a variety of ministries. What a blessing to receive a meal, a note, a ride, or a hug…and what a blessing to offer these tender mercies to others!  


Meal ministry Covenant members experiencing difficult circumstances (such as illness, death, dislocation or other changeling situations) and joyful but demanding events (such as the addition of a new child) are encouraged to request a meal delivery. Volunteers also prepare and serve bereavement meals.  Volunteers can sign up to prepare and deliver one meal a year, one meal a month, or something in between. If you would like to help with the meal ministry or would like to request a meal, please contact Karen Peterson. Contact Karen Peterson at Email Karen


Prayer shawl ministry

Handmade and infused with prayers, a Covenant prayer shawl is a bright and cozy symbol of our prayers for you to experience the hope, strength, and peace of Christ’s love. If you can knit or crochet, you can make a prayer shawl. (Instructions and materials are provided.)
Contact Ruth Arnold at Email Ruth

Transportation ministry

Do you need a ride to church? To a medical appointment? If you’ll contact Karen Peterson or the church office, we will try to meet this need. Could you be a volunteer driver yourself? A chauffeur’s license is not required! Contact Beverly Riddell.

New member welcome

Upon joining, new members receive a packet of resources introducing them to the various programs and opportunities for fellowship and service offered at Covenant. New members are also paired with a Covenant “mentor”—sometimes a work colleague or neighbor.

Card ministry

When you experience one of life’s “big events”— new baby, death in the family,          surgery, wedding, etc. — you will most likely receive a card appropriate to that occasion, reminding you that your Covenant family loves and supports you. 
Contact Dee Norris at Email Dee

Caregivers Support

Caregivers experience certain challenges, frustrations, and blessings that are probably best known, and most freely communicated, to those in a similar situation. A group of Covenant caregivers meets monthly for fellowship and mutual support. 
Contact Joan Sayers at Email Joan

Respite Support

Respite Support offers the caregiver of a house bound church members some free time. For example: a wife, child, or partner may need an hour or two to have hair done, make a doctor’s appointment, or just take a walk in the park or have lunch with a friend. Volunteers can give an hour a month, or a week, or whatever suits your schedule.
Contact Bonnie Powell at Email Bonnie

Communication and Publication

The Congregational Care Team facilitates communication with the congregation through the church newsletter (“Covenant Connection”), website, Facebook page, on-line church directory, and “Opt-In” email announcements of specific news and events. Want to help? Small groups of volunteers meet regularly to fold the church newsletter and worship bulletins. If you would like to be placed on the church newsletter mailing list, please contact Martha Pierce at
For further information about any of the ministries listed above,
contact the chair of the Congregational Care Team, Donna Hamric, at Email Donna or the Covenant church office at (540) 885-2138.