Stated Session Highlights for 2023

At its stated meeting on December 17, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Approved the examination of six elders-elect
¨ Approved creation of a new standing committee for Technology
¨ Approved 2024 team assignments
¨ Approved a budget for 2024
¨ Approved allocation of expenses for the kitchen/Fellowship Hall renovations between the Building Fund and Preschool grants
¨ Approved renaming Christian Education team as Christian Formation team
¨ Approved plans for confirmation and Montreat in 2024
¨ Approved communion dates and special offerings for 2024
¨ Approved support for bringing Fisk University Singers to Staunton in support of the African-American  and Multi-Cultural Heritage Festival
¨ Approved calling a congregational meeting for January 7, 2024 for the purpose of acting on proposed changes to the pastors’ terms of call and electing an elder to fill an unexpired term in the Class of 2025
¨ Approved a request for Facilities Use
At its stated meeting on November 19, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Accepted the resignation of an  elder from Session
¨ Received a report on the November presbytery meeting
¨ Approved times for services  on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve
¨ Approved adding the Decapolis Project to Glorious Gifts this year
At its stated meeting on October 15, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Affirmed the call of a congregational meeting for October 22 to elect elders to the Class of 2026 and members to the nominating committee
¨ Approved inviting individual’s support for Virginia Supportive Housing’s request for city tax exemption
¨ Expressed appreciation for the work of Randy Smith and the Facilities Team in coordinating the painting and plastering work in the sanctuary.
¨ Expressed appreciation for the work of the APNC leading to the call of Rachel Watson
At its stated meeting on September 17, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Elected Joan Sayers and Rod  Owen as commissioners to the November presbytery meeting
¨ Received a report on the August meeting of presbytery
¨ Approved a preliminary challenge budget of $647,995 for 2024
¨ Appointed an ad hoc committee to draft a scope of responsibilities for a standing team on technology
¨ Called a congregational meeting for October 1 for the purpose of hearing a report from the APNC and extending a call to
   an Associate Pastor
At its stated meeting on August 20, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Removed from the rolls Jimmy Guynn at his request
¨ Approved a letter of transfer for Conrad Kurtz to Bethany Presbyterian Church
¨ Acknowledged with gratitude receipt of a gift to the Building Fund from Don Whiteman’s estate
¨ Elected Cora Leigh Clark and Sarah Splaun as commissioners to the August meeting of presbytery
¨ Accepted with gratitude the resignation of Joan Swift as children’s choir director and approved the hiring of Katherine McLean as the new director
¨ Approved communion by intinction at the 10:00 service on September 3
¨ Approved the hiring of new staff  in the preschool
¨ Approved a stipend for Laura  Lawson for her leadership of the youth at Montreat
¨ Approved two facilities requests  for the Augusta Garden Club and Ebenezer Baptist Church
At its stated meeting on June 18, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Received a report on the May meeting of presbytery
¨ Elected Cora Leigh Clark and Joan   Sayers as commissioners to the August meeting of presbytery
¨ Approved a proposal for organ repairs
¨ Approved holding a hymn sing this summer
¨ Approved a Communication and Online Media Policy
¨ Approved installation of door locks and window shades for security for the preschool
¨ Approved securing new credit cards for church staff
¨ Approved three facilities requests
¨ Released the COVID Task Force with great gratitude for their service and guidance through the pandemic
At its stated meeting on April 30, the Session took the following actions:

¨ Approved a request for baptism for Julianne Hemp
¨ Elected Linda Foster and Kristen Lambert as commissioners to the May meeting of Presbytery
¨ Approved moving 10:30 worship to 10:00 for the months of July and August
¨ Approved a Facilities request for Martha’s Meals on Wheels
¨ Approved salary flexibility for the APNC in the MIF
¨ Received a presentation on the signage proposal

At its stated meeting on March 19, the Session took the following actions:

¨ Received a presentation from Massanetta Springs on a capital campaign
¨ Declined a request to host presbytery in May
¨ Received a report on the February meeting of presbytery
¨ Invited Amy Fetterman to preach on April 2 and Karen Edwards to preach on May 21
¨ Cancelled Sunday School classes on Easter, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve
¨ Approved plans for youth participation in the Montreat Youth Conference
¨ Approved Outreach’s request to explore projects with Gemeinschaft
¨ Approved painting and plaster work to be done on the sanctuary ceiling in June
¨ Approved facilities use requests for the Juneteenth Organization and for Rotary Outbound training


At its stated meeting on February 19, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Approved three requests for baptisms
¨ Elected Janey Terry and Eileen Cooper as commissioners to the February meeting of presbytery
¨ Approved a change in policy with regard to nursery workers
¨ Approved a plan for a steering committee to coordinate refugee resettlement efforts
¨ Approved expenditures from the Building Fund for repairs to the boiler, purchase of a heat pump, and elevator repairs
¨ Approved picture day for the preschool
¨ Approved a Facility Use Request for the UMD Alternative Breaks Program
¨ Moved the April Session meeting to April 30 and cancelled the May meeting
¨ Approved allocation of the 2022 budget surplus


At its retreat on Saturday, January 14, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Approved a discount policy for families with multiple children in the preschool
¨ Adopted Session Priorities for 2023
¨ Accepted the resignation of Laura Lawson as interim director of youth effective January 1, 2023 with gratitude and appreciation for her years of service