Stated Session Highlights for 2024

At its stated meeting on October 20, the Session took the following actions:                                                                   ¨ Approved supporting Rachel Watson in pursuit of a Doctor of Ministry degree at Austin Seminary                                               ¨ Approved letters of transfer                                                                                                                                                                                ¨ Elected Rod Owen as commissioner to the November meeting of presbytery
¨ Approved job descriptions for a Financial Secretary and a Treasurer
¨ Approved a revised quote for the sound mixer for the sanctuary
¨ Approved two facilities use requests
¨ Appointed Stan Grimm to the Memorial and Endowment Fund Committee, Class of 2027
¨ Approved reallocating funds in dormant reserve accounts to related purposes

At its stated meeting on September 15, the Session took the following actions:                                                              ¨ Approved purchase of a mixer for the sanctuary sound system to improve sound for livestreaming                                                ¨ Approved a proposal for removal of the oak tree near the front parking lot                                                                                           ¨ Approved establishing a money market account to secure higher interest on some cash accounts                                                  ¨ Approved creation of a paid financial secretary position                                                                                                                             ¨ Adopted a challenge budget for 2025 of $682,000                                                                                                                        ¨ Approved the choir’s participation with two other choirs directed by Jeff Ryman for Rutter’s Requiem                                           ¨ Approved a carol sing in worship for the second Sunday in Advent

At its stated meeting on August 18, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Elected David Stahl and Seth Ward as commissioners to the September meeting of presbytery
¨ Approved use of Building Funds for repair of the sump pump
¨ Approved use of Reserve Account funds for purchase of a computer for the Administrative Assistant
¨ Approved a proposal for pictures for the preschool with funds raised going to the Nancy Summers  Scholarship Fund
¨ Approved hosting a mission team working with Renewing Homes of Greater Augusta
At its stated meeting on June 16, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Approved acceptance of a gift to cover the cost of a new train for the playground
¨ Approved purchase of an Owl device for use in livestreaming small group events
¨ Approved hosting a mission team from Lee, NH overnight on their way to Nashville, TN
¨ Approved monies for the Boys and Girls Club for security cameras, subject  to approval from the Outreach Team
¨ Approved a wedding request for September
¨ Discussed the information in Rachel’s lead article in the newsletter and the Conversation with the Pastors next
Sunday, June 23
At its stated meeting on May 19 the Session took the following actions:
¨ Approved a proposal for completion of the signage project
¨ Removed from the active rolls 74 members who have not been involved in the life of the church for several years and had not responded to communications  encouraging their reengagement
¨ Received a report on the May meeting of Presbytery
¨ Approved exploring volunteer opportunities with Verona Community Center
¨ Approved moving Sunday worship times in July and August to 8:30 and 10:00 as in past years
¨ Approved purchase of a piano for the choir room
¨ Approved a Certified Safe Leaders program for Christian Formation
At its stated meeting on April 21, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Elected Sam Hostetter and Mandy Drumheller as commissioners to the May meeting of presbytery
¨ Appointed to the Memorial and Endowment Fund Committee: Bob Stripling and Elissa McDonald in the Class of 2026, and Stan Grimm to fill an unexpired term in the Class of 2024
¨ Approved funds for the movement  of AC equipment during the roof replacement over the choir room
At its stated meeting on March 17,  the Session took the following actions:
¨ Designated funds allocated from presbytery’s 200th stated meeting anniversary to Covenant programming with the Boys and Girls Club
¨ Approved receiving international peacemakers for a visit to the presbytery in September
¨ Approved a letter to inactive members encouraging their reengagement
¨ Approved use of building funds for roof repairs
¨ Approved revisions to the preschool COVID policy to comply with revised CDC  guidelines
¨ Approved a job description for the Covenant Preschool Director
¨ Approved a request for use  of the church facilities for a  wedding
At its stated meeting on February 18, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Approved a revised policy with regard to publication of birthdays
¨ Approved purchase of new computers for the Finance and Preschool offices
¨ Approved allocation of funds from the 2023 budget surplus
¨ Approved new hires to the Preschool
¨ Approved a second authorized contact for bill pay accounts
At its annual retreat on Saturday, January 20, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Approved a request for letters of transfer for Brad and Anita Kurtz
¨ Elected Brandon Cline-Taskey and Cindy Bowman as commissioners to the February meeting of Presbytery
¨ Approved the annual PCUSA statistical report
¨ Approved participation in an Outreach project providing  meals to homeless folks through SWARM
¨ Adopted four Session priorities for 2024